Thursday, August 1, 2013

Neon Orange Stripes

Orange is probably my least favorite color next to purple. Haha I know, you're all thinking I'm crazy. But for some reason lately I've just been dying for some orange nails! I don't know what the deal is. So today I did a simple striping look. At first I wasn't too into it but now I'm loving it. Orange can be very strong and like "BAM in your face!" but I think I did something that still shows it off but tones it down.

I used two new Island Girl colors that I picked up while I was in Vegas. "Pineapple Plantation" the white and "Aloha Girl" the orange. And then added some small rhinestones for that finishing touch.

I have kind of been lacking in creativity since my hiatus. Do you guys have any requests or certain designs you'd like to see me do? I'll do my best!

xo, Colleen


I love to hear from you guys! Leave me a thought!